It’s funny because I use to think celery was the most insignificant food on the planet; I was always told that the bulk of celery was 90% water, and basically contained no vital nutrients. I had this belief instilled in my mind for majority of my life, and never made the effort to incorporate it into my diet; that is until I discovered Anthony Williams, aka, the Medical Medium. 

For those who don’t know Anthony Williams, he is the originator of the celery juice cleanse. He is not a doctor. In fact, he’s not in the medical field at all. He is a medium who receives his information through what he calls “spirit.” He has received this information since he was a child, has helped thousands of people heal, and has created a movement throughout the world by revealing the truth to true healing. 

I know celery juice may sound absurd to some people. You may be thinking, “How can that possibly be helpful?” or “Celery is just water.” I get it. Trust me when I say I was a big skeptic at first too. I was skeptical, because I was someone who only believed in science based nutrition. However, at the time when I discovered ‘Medical Medium,’ I was still dealing with acne and other health problems, and promised myself that I would stay open minded towards every option that could help me heal for good. Even if it sounded as crazy as drinking celery juice. So I put it to the test and drank celery juice everyday for 6 months. 


Before going further explaining my journey, I want to first explain the benefits that Anthony Williams claims celery juice to hold: 


1.     Fights Autoimmune Disease.

2.     Helps Restore Adrenals.

3.     Neutralizes And Flushes Toxins Out Of The Liver.

4.     Brings Down Toxic Liver Heat.

5.     Raises Hydrochloric Acid & Helps The Liver Produce Bile.

6.     Powerful Weapon Against SIBO & Bloating. 

7.     Helps Eradicate Strep Bacteria.

…Plus so much more! 


DISCLAIMER: This is not to be taken as medical advice. Please check with your medical doctor first before implementing a new diet, cleanse, supplements, or herbs into your routine. 


Month #1: 

 I was hopeful when I first started this celery juice journey. The thought of drinking celery juice sounded so crazy that something within me felt like it could actually work. I had exhausted all other options trying to clear my skin which I thoroughly explain in my blog post ‘my acne journey’ that I was wiling to try about anything. I was so ready for positive change with my health that I even bought myself a brand new juicer to kick start this new adventure. 

 The first month drinking celery juice was a miss. I didn’t notice much improvement with my acne or health conditions within the first month. I did, however, experience some detox symptoms such as headaches, having to go to the bathroom often, and feeling more fatigued than normal. Even though I didn’t see much change in my skin that first month I continued drinking celery juice with the hope that one day it would all work out. 

After the first month of celery juicing, the detox symptoms I was experiencing fluctuated.  Keep in mind that everyone’s experience is going to vary. My detox symptoms in particular leaned from worse to better, to better to worse, to again...worse to better throughout my journey. Also keep in mind that my body prior to starting juicing was incredibly TOXIC. I had and still have a very sluggish liver that contributes to a lot of my health problems, however, I am well on my way to healing my body day in and day out the correct way. 


Month #2 and #3:

 Month 2 -3 results fluctuated. There were times where I would see massive improvement in my skin, versus other times where I felt like I was starting from square one again. My detox symptoms fluctuated as well. Some days I would get bursts of energy & feel incredible, versus other days where I would feel extremely fatigued with a headache. According to Medical Medium the ideal amount of celery juice to drink daily is 16oz. On a daily basis I would normally hit my goal of 16oz for the day, however, on the days where I felt more fatigued than normal or experienced other symptoms, my celery juice intake could be as low as 5oz for that day. I based the dosage on how I felt on that one particular day. 

Month #4 - #6:

 It wasn’t until the 4th month that I saw SIGNIFICANT healing and improvement in my skin and symptoms.

Here is what I experienced:

-My acne tremendously improved. Any active breakouts seemed to heal faster than normal.
-My acne appeared less red and inflamed + My acne scars began to fade. 
-After drinking celery juice, my skin began to develop a healthy, radiant glow. 
-My brain fog improved, enhancing my concentration & memory.  
-My overall skin tone evened-out, & my under-eye dark circles lightened. 
-My digestion improved & I noticed less bloating.
-Being someone who suffers from CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) for the first time ever I noticed an increase in my energy levels. Waking up in the morning seemed easier and more enjoyable, & I didn't experience the mid-day crash as often as I had prior to starting celery juice.


Results vary from person to person. Keep in mind that celery juice was not the sole reason that my skin cleared, however, it has played a huge part. I truly believe my skin would not be nearly as clear if it wasn’t for this miracle juice! I have a deep gratitude for medical medium, and his books for containing the truth on how to truly heal! Try to be open minded, because this can be the boost you need that can help clear your skin. This is something that I will continue to do for myself for as long as I possibly can; I still to this day continue to drink celery juice to boost my health, clear my skin, and feel amazing! 

Thank you all for reading! Stay connected with me through my instagram page, and other social media platforms. If you do decide to read “Celery Juice” by Medical Medium, let me know your opinion and how celery juice has helped you! 

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