5 Reasons To See An Esthetician

5 Reasons To See An Esthetician

Five important reasons to see an esthetician!

First off, what even is an esthetician? For most of my life, before I went to school and became one, I had no idea what an esthetician even was! An esthetician is a skincare therapist. We assess your skin type, perform professional skincare services such as facials, waxing, chemical peels, and help educate you on how to achieve your skincare goals both in the treatment room and at home. Basically, we’re your beauty personal trainers for your skin; holding you accountable and trying to get you the best results we possibly can.

 Let’s dive a little bit deeper into five reasons you should see an esthetician today!

1.     Customized Homecare Routine

2.     Finding the root cause

3.     Professional Treatments

4.     Anti-Aging

5.     Reversing Acne Scars


1. Customized Homecare Routine

 I love using the dentist comparison when talking about home care routines. We go to the dentist 1-2x a year for a professional deep cleaning however, does this mean we don’t have to brush our teeth the rest of the year? Heck no! Of course, we need to brush our teeth daily to prevent cavities and keep our teeth and gums healthy. Well, same goes for our skin! Professional skin treatments are very important however most people only come in for a skincare service once a month. The products you use the rest of the month will make or break your results which is why having a home care routine is so important! Seeing an esthetician who can customize a skincare routine specifically for your skin type and goals will elevate your results! Which brings me to my next topic, finding the root cause.


2. Finding the root cause

 This topic alone is the reason I got into specializing in acne skin conditions. When struggling with a skin condition you can try as many products on the market, however, without targeting the root cause you will not get the results you want. The root cause can be one single thing that might be causing your skin problems, or it can be many things; it can range from using the wrong skincare products all the way to an autoimmune condition. The root cause of a skin condition is going to be different for every single person which is why seeking an esthetician can help speed up the process to figuring out what’s causing your skin condition and coming up with a plan of action.

3. Professional Treatments

 Estheticians can work on a variety of skin types and treat different skin conditions. The entirety of esthetician school is studying the science behind our skin and skincare products/ingredients. Like I mentioned earlier, your homecare routine is going to make or break your results, however, professional treatments will take your skincare to the next level! Each esthetician is going to provide different services using different products, but all estheticians have a similar goal in mind: give you glowing healthy skin!


4. Anti-aging

 Estheticians love 2 things: Glowing skin and Anti-aging. Kiss fine lines and wrinkles goodbye by seeing your local esthetician. In reality, being preventative and starting a skincare routine/seeing an esthetician before you start to form wrinkles is going to be super beneficial, but it doesn’t mean we can’t reverse aging to a certain degree! Treatments such as chemical peels, micro needling, LED light therapy, and laser facials help reverse aging by helping the body produce more collagen. More collagen produced equals less wrinkles. These treatments result in glowing skin and anti-aging.


5. Reversing Acne Scars

 Being an esthetician that specializes in acne, and having gone through severe cystic acne myself I am all too familiar with acne scars. There is a variety of acne scars and treatments that can help reverse them. Now not every acne scar can be reversed to 100% perfection however, there are plenty of professional treatments that can help improve the appearance of an acne scar. Similar to anti-aging, professional treatments such as micro needling, chemical peels, and laser treatments are a few services that have been shown to give great results.


At Healing Skin From Within we strive to meet you where you are at with your current skin concerns, and come up with a customized routine just for you! Experienced in all skin types and skin conditions, we love to help spread awareness that it IS possible to get the results you desire with the right help, dedication, and time. We provide in person professional treatments as well as virtual sessions for those who are located in other states and countries. Click here to book your appointment! Thank you for taking the time to read our blog, see you in the next post!